Our Team


Jonathan Serbin (CEO)
Jonathan has 25 years of experience in the music business, in the US and throughout Asia. In addition to his role as CEO of b2, Jonathan serves as the Head of Asia for Billboard, one of the world’s most influential music brands. At Billboard, he works closely with top music and media companies throughout Asia. Prior to Billboard, Jonathan was a music & media-sector investment banker at Lehman Brothers and Oppenheimer & Co., running their Asian entertainment banking practice. He was also a music entrepreneur, having founded successful music businesses in Asia. He began his career in as an entertainment lawyer, representing major recording artists, record labels and producers. He has served on the Board of Directors of leading music companies, including Avex, Japan’s dominant music label.

Sean Dinsmore (Director)
Sean advises and oversees b2 on new talent. With over 25 years of experience in all aspects of the music business, he was previously a major-label recording artist (Warner, RCA, Universal), music producer, label chief, DJ and Entertainment Director. Besides writing and producing his own music, he has worked closely with artists from around the world, helping them craft their sound. Having worked as a musician/producer and DJ in the US, Europe, India, Southeast Asia and China, Sean has his finger on the pulse of cross-border opportunities for Asian artists, as well as Western artists entering the region.

We have a highly experienced team in Asia and the US, with decades of experience helping our clients achieve their goals.